So… I think I might have mentioned on Friday that it was Scott and I’s 10th anniversary… Not sure if I made that clear or not though. *grin*
My husband and I have this ongoing “discussion” that has lasted a whopping ten years… that fact that neither of us like the other to “make” decisions.
Krista: “Where do you want to go eat dear?”
Scott: “I don’t know. Where do you want to go?”
Krista: “You pick.”
Scott: “No, you.”
Krista: “Seriously, I’ll let you pick this time.”
Scott: “Fine, what about Mexican?”
Krista: “But I hate Mexican.”
Scott: “Then you pick.”
Krista–who knows that she’s now been tricked: “Seriously, that’s not fair.”
Scott: “Fine, we’ll go to Mexican.”
Then we end up posing the question to our kids who pick either:
- McDonalds
- Pizza buffet
- A steak house that has “cinnamon” butter.
So, Friday night we’d talked about it BEFORE to decide where we wanted to eat, but my husband insinuated he had “something else” planned as well. I had NO clue what it could be. My husband, bless is heart, has issues sometimes making decisions and more oft than not ends up just not making ANY decision because he can’t decide… In his defense, I don’t make it easy for him, in fact probably make the matter worse.
So, him announcing that he had “something” planned was HUGE for me. This was my wonderful, sweet husband, PRE-planning something without asking for my input, just to make it special for me. The whole day Friday I felt on top of the world. I really didn’t care if it was just that he’d picked the restaurant and pre-bought tickets to a movie via Fandango. It was the thought that counted.
We went out to at the restaurant we’d decided on, and that’s when he let me know where he was taking me afterwords.
Would you like to know where?
Of course you would! See, you’re as impatient to know what my wonderful, handsome, thoughtful, sweet husband came up with as me! To make matters worse, he’d told me “It’s starts at 9:30 so it will be a really late night.” Now, I’m thinking, he wouldn’t be making this big of a deal out of it for just a plain ole’ movie. But what could start at 9:30???? That he had to like, plan, before hand?
Okay, fine. I know you’re about ready to clobber me if I don’t tell you.
My husband took me to the Grand Ole’ Opry. They were hosting “Opry goes Pink” in support of Breast Cancer Research and Awareness. Singing there were a whole host of different country artists including Jo Dee Messina, Terri Clark, and Carrie Underwood. Now… HOW COOL IS THAT! I was completely blown away and so very very proud of my husband to think of something like that! We were dressed up pretty fancy for our date… so it was fun to go to the concert all decked out and, well, I had a grand time. The concert was great, my husband was fabulous and I am pretty much the luckiest woman alive to have married such a thoughtful man.
Oh, and he also sent me a dozen long-stem roses to work and gave me a necklace and earrings as my present. I told you he was wonderful!!!!!
Here are some fun pictures from our evening and the concert.

Song he sang: If you can’t make money…. make out… with somebody.
I seriously had tears rolling I laughed so hard.
Aw-w-w! You two! What a fun night!! And what a sweet husband! I think you're getting so much good fodder for your romance stories right from your own romance life lately–trip to Denver, concert, roses, night out on the town, big kisses! Whoo-wee!
Oh my gosh!!! LOL That's so wonderful and sweet! I knew I liked him. LOL You two look like you had a wonderful time. *big smile because this is just so romantic!*
You two look smashing! Did I just say smashing? Anyway, what a FUN night! What a romantic hubby you have! Also…that dinner conversation sounds WAY too similar to the one we have. We are so indecisive when it comes to food.
What an incredible night! Congrats to the husband for coming up with a surprise 🙂 Happy Anniversary again!
Way To Go Bro…Great Job!
So awesome! So proud that he planned all that himself. He's a keeper! :O)
What a nice surprise! Scott is so much like his Dad, when it comes to making decisions but I think he could help his Dad with how to do "surprises" maybe. I know you do have a special husband. God saw to that. Glad you had such a great anniversary!
WOW! That is soooo sweet! Big-time husband points for your DH!
The concert looks wonderful…and is Little Jimmy still with us? What a blast from the past!
The guy who sang the song "if you can't make money, make love"..his name is Bill Anderson. Not richards, just to correct you Krista. 🙂
Aww!!! You made me feel all warm and cozy inside just reading this post!!!!!
Good job, Scott! Way to go, man! I'm so glad you two had a great time! Whoo hoo!
What a fabulous couple the two of you make and congratulations on ten years!
Blessings to you…
LOVE IT! What a great story. Great job, hubby.
Nice to see couples still so in love after years of marriage. Love hearing about this stuff!!!
Happy Anniversary! What a great gift and a great guy! How fun!
Thanks everyone!! We had a GREAT time!
Jody… yes, having a romantic husband DOES help in writing romances:-)
Erica… yes, he's still alive and kicking. Pretty feisty too it seemed like! LOL
Scott… thanks so much for the correction. *grin*
How adorable are those pictures of you too?? And I love Jo Dee Messina myself and Lori Morgan.Lucky gal!!!
Happy anniversary.
Hi Krista –
How romantic! You guys remind me of my sweetie and me.
May you have many more happy anniversaries!
Susan 🙂
sounds like an incredibly fun (and romantic pre-planned) time! 🙂
I wanted to let you know about my blog address change. *sigh* If you're following me, my posts now won't show up in your feed, dashboard, sidebar, whatever. So please forgive me, but you'll have to change the address for my main writing blog, Where Romance Meets Therapy, to To do this, you have to "unfollow" me and follow me again. Sorry for the confusion!
The Character Therapist
In our home, we are very familiar with the "I don't know, what do you want to do?" or "where do you want to eat?" What a great surprise! Two thumbs up for your hubby!
Too sweet! I might have to point my husband toward this post for a few ideas. After football season, of course.
The where-to-go-to-dinner conversation happens here too. Ours just also includes the "do we have a coupon" question.