Last week I blogged a quirky version of Moses story and how we need not fear BIG people because God is on our side.

Today I’m going a little different angle.

A few years ago, many years in fact, I was reading through the book of Exodus and God really spoke to me. Moses was not a “significant” man. Sure, he’d grown up in Pharaoh’s palace, but he’d done some not so great things and by all accounts, was, as I said before, a pretty big pansy.

But God had a purpose for his life, and a pretty big one at that. God knew when he caused Moses to be saved out out of all those little babies, that there was a special job for him. Even though Moses when he grew up didn’t feel so special, he didn’t think God could use him to do much of anything extrodinary, God knew better.

You see, God uses the least of these, the people who don’t think they’ll amount to anything, to do MIGHTY things.

Discussion: Has God ever asked you to do something that was “too big” or out of your comfort zone?



  1. Yes, some days I feel like this whole writing thing has gottem much bigger than I’d ever planned. I’m not sure that I would have been brave enough to start down the road if I’d known at the beginning just how much work it would involve!

  2. Being a wife and mother often feels much “too big”… 🙂 But well worth it!

    (Funny…my verification word is “bless”)

  3. Jody, SO glad you did though! You’ve blessed (ha Marybeth!) me personally through your blog and we wouldn’t be the same without you on our journey!

    Marybeth, motherhood IS a huge thing. SOmedays it feels to big for me too *grin*

  4. I don’t know if I feel as though God’s asked me to do something to big, but He’s definitely asked me to do things out of my comfort zone. It always feels so uncomfortable at the time but then in hindsight I can see all the good that’s come from it, or all the growth it’s done in me.

  5. I think the biggest thing He’s ever asked me to do is trust Him with my 3 little ones and let Him be their Father and dance with them in fields of heavenly violets. And, to SMILE while thinking about … that’s the biggest thing and He’s given me astounding grace to find that peace.

  6. Cindy: It is so tough to get our of our comfort zone, I am SO with you! And I think even the little things that we do to step out in faith in God, are HUGE in the heavenly realms. You can never know the eternal impact that one small obedient step will be.

    Jamie: You humble me. That is a HUGE thing and kudos to you for trusting Jesus! And he is the BEST Daddy isn’t he!

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