SO, we decided yesterday to move the party to my sisters house. Her’s is a little bigger… not horribly far from where we live, and we thought it’d be easier.

But then all night I was so sad about it. I guess I just didn’t realize how much I really had my heart set on having it at our house.

We fought REALLY REALLY hard to get her HOME… and home is where I want to celebrate her first year of life!

So we’ve changed back to our original plan of having it at our house! Same time… sorry for my craziness!

Also, I really didn’t want to give a ton of people our address (obviously Internet Safety Reasons) for sending cards and things, so if you want to, please send to:

Annabelle Phillips
c/o S.S.O/Jami Geselle
5073 Main St
Suite 140
Spring Hill, TN 37174

THANKS again to everyone for supporting us and praying for us this past year!!!!!! YOU all are amazing!!!!

(To see the original b-day invitation… see Sunday’s post here)

And for fun…

Annabelle (and the rest of us) went to her cousin Lyla’s birthday party yesterday! She turned one on Saturday… just one and a half weeks before Annabelle will!

The party was pretty hot, so Annabelle had to jet out early… but… cousins will be cousins. Including the ceremonial trying to steal the binky! (that, and Lyla thought Annabelle’s nasal canula was pretty cool looking too!)

As you can tell, Annabelle was not pleased about the matter. She knows her Mommy has told her NEVER to share binkies because of germs.

I’m sorry, but I pretty much cry laughing every time I look at this. It is just so TOTALLY their personalities!



  1. LOL at those girls! I can understand you wanting it at your house, totally..Hope all goes as chaotically perfect as a first birthday party can go!

  2. Love that picture!!! (and Annabelle's pretty dress, too!) 🙂

  3. I hope the party is a ton of fun for everyone, especially the birthday girl. I'm glad you moved it back to your place.

  4. Aw, what sweet girls! So glad your daughteer is able to have an enjoyable (though hot) first birthday party! I've been praying for her…hope all is going well.

    God bless you!

  5. I'll stop by for a bit, but I goofed and ordered our Harry Potter tickets for during the time of her party. So excited that we get to celebrate Annabelle turning 1 and praising God!!!!!

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