Karalynn Jean Abri Phillips is OFFICIALLY eight years old as of 12:15 a.m.
I’ve been lax in blogging this week, my apologies. I’ve been trying to catch up at work, clean the house for my in-laws who arrived yesterday (my house was not very clean 🙁 ), and getting over a very bad cold.
I’m officially twittering!!! Go visit me on www.twitter.com/kristaphillips and follow me if you twitter too! If you follow me, I’ll follow you *grin*
I’m still deciding the impact of twittering and how I can best use this in furthering my writing goals. It’s easy to have things like facebook, blogging and twittering to distract away from the thing we should REALLY focus on, which is our writing! But I’m a firm believe these things can ADD to our product and our presense for our future readers and I’m determined to figure out the balance.
Any tips from other writers regarding juggling these sites? How do you use these to influence and enhance your platform and product?
Happy Birthday!
I don’t twitter. Yet….
I am so consumed with all the other things, that Twitter has taken a backseat.
If I ever manage to get there I’ll let you know.
Yes, I’m the same way! But I update my facebook status often enough that I figure I can just link them and update them on twitter instead.
Hey, Krista. Happy Birthday to Karalynn. I love that name, BTW.
Yeah, there are so many things that can pull us from our writing. It’s hard to keep them all on target, that’s for sure. I Tweet, FaceBook, and Blog. That’s it for now.
I spend my mornings blogging. Then, lunch break working on writing, then after work, writing.
I try and take a couple days off work every month and spend those days writing OR going to writing conferences/classes.
EVERY day, though, I pray to God asking Him to guide me so I’m doing HIS WILL through my writing, blogging, FaceBooking, Twittering…He’ll carry you, Krista.
I think these avenues can further your writing by learning from other people’s sites you visit, networking, and exposure. For me, an additional one is to bless whoever I come in contact with an encouraging thought and if they ask for prayer on their site, I pray for them right then and there.
God bless, and have a great day!
Hey, Krista. Didn’t know it was your b-day. Happy Birthday!!
LOL! It’s not MY birthday goober, it’s Karalynn’s! She just turned eight *grin*
Glad you visited though!!! We need to do lunch sometime, girly!