I thought Friday night was bad.

Saturday night was 10 times worse.

We finally took Annabelle to the hospital around noon on Saturday. She was looking REALLY dehydrated, was lethargic, and I could tell she wouldn’t get better with just pedialite at home.

So, I dropped my Gabby off at a b-day part she was supposed to go to while Scott got Annabelle ready, then headed for the hospital. My two eldest daughters headed to a friend’s house (My eldest was going there anyway for a sleepover that night)

Called my mom, she came over to get Lacy from Karalynn’s friend’s house, then to pick up Gabby from the birthday party at a gymnastics place, and the plan was for them to go home with her and spend the night, since Scott had to work until 10 pm.

And that is where all, uh, crap, broke loose. Quite literally.

Got a call from the birthday party mom. Gabby had thrown up while bouncing.

Grandma picked her up a few minutes early.

An hour later, Lacy threw up.

A little while later, my mom became ill.

I called my daughter who was at the sleepover to see how she was feeling. She rolled her eyes and said she was fine, didn’t feel even a little sick. I hoped.

All the while, I’m with Annabelle at the hospital, trying to make her feel better, watching them try unsuccessfully to get an IV in (not easy on Annabelle anyway, REALLY not easy when she is dehydrated… they finally got it on the 5th try.) And my stomach started swirling. But I also had a migraine, and that always makes my stomach hurt too, so I blamed it on that.

We finally got put in a room, and the raging crud hit me with full force around 8 – 9. At the same time, I got a text from my husband that he was getting sick to.

Around midnight, Scott got a call from Karalynn. She’d woken up vomiting. In between his trips to the bathroom (sorry for the TMI), he went and picked her up.

So last night, we were all one sorry lot.

I hereby apologize to all those who we might have gotten sick. While I hoped Annabelle only had a bug, I truly had no clue this was coming. In fact, when we got to the hospital, I told them, “Everyone else is fine! No one sick…” which made us all worry that her condition was something worse.

I’m home right now. Finally came here when I could muster enough strength to leave the hospital. (thank you to the sweet care partner and nurse who brought me water and crackers!) Will go back late tonight, after I get ungermy clothes on and shower.

We are all on the mend. Everyone is just weak and tired from this yucky 24 hour stomach bug. Slowly eating crackers and drinking Sprite. My dear, sweet sister is bringing us a few things from the store (I told her she could drop them off on the porch and run the other way!) so we don’t take our germs anywhere else tonight.

No one has thrown up since the middle of the night, so I count that a blessing.

That said, I have one VERY stinky house from all the sick people, and we hope to be able to bring Annabelle home late in the day tomorrow, so I’ll also be trying to clean up and wash sheets and degerm while I’m home. Not an easy task, considering it takes all my energy to just get off the couch.

So yes, this is the Phillips’ family sob story of the day. While it stinks (literally) part of me is glad that we got it over in one day. Sometimes, it hits one person, then another person the next day, and so on, so we have a week of illness in our house.

At least we are getting over it in a day.

Don’t tell me I can’t find a silver lining in crappy situations!

Thanks for everyone’s prayers, we really appreciate it.

A big prayer request, besides our health:

Since Annabelle was so sick for a day, I fear that she didn’t get her anti-rejection meds. Yes, I gave them to her, but I’m fairly sure they all went directly through her without taking much affect, as did everything else she got.

Missing even one dose of her anti-rejection meds could cause her body to get mad and reject. And sometimes, that doesn’t show up for weeks after the fact.

So I will be watching her REALLY closely, and praying VERY hard, that everything goes well and that we don’t have to worry about it. Right now, as a precaution, they are giving her a med through her IV so we don’t have to worry about if she is absorbing them or not.

Again, thank you for your prayers.



  1. Continuing to pray for Annabelle every single day. Glad you're all on the mend. xo

  2. Oh my goodness, you have definitely had an eventful weekend. And not in a good way. Way to go, though, for hanging in there and seeing the good in the bad. You are awesome. Keep up the good work!

  3. Aww, I feel bad for you guys! I hope you get your strength back quickly and that Annabelle recovers well.

  4. Oh man, you poor guys! I'm so glad it was over fairly quickly for you all and that it explains Annabelle's problems. That said, I'll definitely pray that she doesn't have rejection issues as a result…and that you have wise eyes to know if there's an issue! Hope you all feel better soon!

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