Editing is going well, for the most part. I look to be on track to finish by the new year… YEAH!!!

A few issues I’m having though.

  • I enjoy reading my book. This is my first time reading it through, and I’m finding that I really do like my own book! Now, that’s a GOOD thing I think… but it’s also frustrating because I find myself reading and forgetting to edit. I edited during lunch last week… and I was about twenty pages later and realized I hadn’t edited a thing. So I’m having to RE edit that same stuff, because there were definitely things that needed updating.
  • Making decisions. There were a few things that I’d changed mid-book to see if I like them better, and I did. But now that I’m going back through, I like the OLD way better in the first half. BLAH
  • Descriptions are not my forte. Granted, I think I did MUCH better with this book because I was more mindful of it when I wrote, but I tend to skip over things like what people are wearing, and the detailed descriptions of setting. Part of this is my style… I’m not flowery in my writing, I’m more fun and sassy. But I need to work on putting more descriptions into my book too. And given that I usually skim over these things when I READ books… I skim over the same thing in my own book. Hmmm.
  • It’s just plain different. My first book was SO VERY BAD because I wrote it when I knew zero writing rules. I liked the story when I was done, but I was savvy enough to know the writing stunk. This book is different, because I’ve spent two years working on my craft, and while I’m FAR from perfect, when I’m editing, I don’t laugh at my utter stupidity. But… then I start second guessing myself. *I* think my book isn’t too shabby… but am I just that dumb that I can’t see it’s glaring faults???

Discussion: What are the things that trip YOU up when editing?

Update: I wrote the above blog post last week, thinking that I’d be all snappy and “pre” plan my blog. So, Shhhh, don’t tell Sherrinda, but I think I’m done editing. I should reiterate though that this is my FIRST edit of my entire novel, so I am not DONE editing the whole book. I’ll need more run throughs… but I’ve been through once and cleaned up most of the glaring errors and rewritten a few parts that desperately needed it.

I should also note that *technically* half way through writing it, I took a 2 week break and edited the first half of the book to help get my barrings. This made the first half of the book much easier to edit than I’d anticipated. I still had issues, but not as many as the second half.

Next Steps: Let my mother and husband read it. I am very blessed to have a Mom who loves to read, and while she thinks my writing is awesome, she’s not shy about telling me where I’ve screwed up the story. And she comes at it from the perspective of the STORY and not the “rules” which I think is what I need at this stage in the book. My husband does the same thing, and has an eye to catch my stupid typos or the places where I’ve changed my mind but not my words. (does that make any sense??)

After that? Um… I don’t know yet. I’ll probably edit one more time, definitely enter it in Genesis… and submit it? When I get up the nerve? *biting my fingernails*



  1. What trips me up when editing? That would be the annoying self doubt in the worthiness of the story and myself as a writer. I am humbly in love with my craft and sometimes I worry that I don't bring enough to it, that in some way I should be more…

    All the best with the edits. btw- I always let my book sit between each edit. You grow as a writer and then come back to it with fresh eyes.

  2. Aha! You did NOT share that you had edited the first half already!!!! You sneaky thing, you! lol So, you are about finished, huh? I'm so impressed. So very impressed! I think T.Anne has finished her first run through too.

    Alas, I am just now finishing correcting the MAJOR edits my dad did on my first 6 chapters. Did you get that? SIX chapters! Sigh, in my defence, his edits doubled the length of each of my chapters. Seriously, there was so much stuff to wade through…

    But now, I am in virgin territory in regards to editing and it will go much faster. I'm sure I'll get done by the end of the year, but I don't know how well the rest of my WIP will be edited! I know good and well, I won't find all the issues like my dad would!

    Congrats on getting so much accomplished!!! You totally ROCK!

  3. Congrats! Once Sherrinda finishes, we'll have to have a party. That's awesome that you story is so much better.

  4. Just a reminder: Our goal was to finish by the new year. So as long as Sherrinda finishes by then… she's a double winner!!

    And you're right I didn't share that. I TOLD you I was competitive! LOL

    Tabitha, I am so totally with you! Somedays I read my book and think, "This isn't so bad." but then the next day I'll pick it up and am tempted to click the delete button on the whole lot of it, wondering how I ever thought I had any talent as a writer. (But then I remember all the time I spent writing it, and the delete button doesn't sound nearly so tempting)

  5. Okay, so "how" does that make me a double winner?????? I didn't know we could win twice! lolol

  6. LOL, I MEANT! That there would be a double winner, me AND you… like we'd both win…

    Ugh, and I call myself a writer!

    But you're a double winner in MY book Sherrinda!!

  7. Congratulations! What a great feeling.

    What trips me up when editing? Like you, I'm a sparse descriptions person. Also, no matter what I write, it comes out chick litty. Go figure.

  8. Yay! Congrats, Krista!

    Editing doesn't usually trip me up. I actually like it a lot. The hardest part of writing for me is the rough draft. I think it's great you like your story! 🙂

  9. This is the second time I've heard about the Genesis contest! I love the name and I am getting plenty of confirmation that this is a great way for me to go. When the time is right!

  10. Awesome progress, Krista! So THIS could be the one to help you break in! If you are really enjoying it and not finding too many glaring issues, then it probably is there! Now that's not to say an objective editor won't find things for you to change–that's a given! But if you're pleased with it, then I imagine that it's good to go!

  11. Definitely makes sense!

    I think it's a great thing when you get so caught up in the story you forget to edit. But it can be frustrating!

  12. I'm with Tabitha. Self doubt always trips me up. Congrats on completing your first round of edits.

  13. Congrats on getting through that first edit!

    Things that trip me up in edits?

    Probably those Oh, DUH! moments I have when I get crits back and wonder how I didn't see the problem they're pointing out.

  14. What trips me up in editing? I'm good for the first trip through the rough draft and for sending it to my crit partners. My problem is making the time for those later passes when all I really want to do is move on to the new project in my brain.

    Congrats on completing the first edit and especially for still loving the story.

  15. LOL…and here I thought you might be conceeding. (even though officially you won first!) You are too funny. I'll definitely consider myself a double winner if I do indeed get this WIP edited! 😉

  16. You guys are awesome! There's nothing like a little friendly competition to get writers pounding the keyboard. 🙂


  17. I have a problem once I get to the end. I get super into the story (Even though it's my own story and I totally know what's going to happen) and forget that I am supposed to be editing!

  18. It feels so good to get through each round of edits! Congratulations! And I'd say it's a very good sign that you like reading it (it's so easy to get tired of the story after months of writing and editing). Good luck with the next round. 🙂

  19. I get tripped up when editing when I am tired, or tired of working on the piece, and then I overlook things. Congrats on making it this far! Blessings:)

  20. Great Blog, Krista! I'm a follower now.

  21. Krista,
    Oh, I DESPISE reading my books, even more so AFTER they are in print…
    I DO see improvement, though.

    My third book, liposuctioned thrice, overflows its original paper box and awaits the tedious corrections, where I will probably tweak a few more things…
    Sigh. Happy New Year??

  22. Congratulations, Krista. That's awesome you're so far done.

    And it's awesome that you get sucked into your own story, too. Certain scenes do that for me in mine too, but I know what you mean, are we missing something?

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