Well, my conference preparation is in full bloom!

This year will mark my first attendance of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) annual conference.

I am so excited but nervous too. To ease my nerves, I’ve decided to concentrate on preparation. If I busy myself doing that, I won’t have time to be nervous right?

Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts. Plus, I am overwhelmed busy as it is.

So, here is my to do list. Anyone reading this who has BEEN to one and knows of something I’m forgetting, feel free to comment. It might help other first timers reading this too!

1.) Finalize my one-sheet. I have one, but not sure I like it. I want to create a few options so I can choose which one I like best. If I get my options done soon enough, I’ll post there here for comments and votes!

2.) Finalize design and print business cards. For some reason I’m not sure how professional it would be to hand out my current business cards that toute me as a payroll manager. LOL.

3.) Finalize my proposal.

4.) Create my pitch. I’m having a lot of anxiety over this one. I am a *winger* by nature so the thought of memorizing a pitch scares me. What if it sounds memorized? You know. like when a speaker stands up there and you can tell they are reading or have just memorized a speech… I want my pitch to be real, but I fear if I don’t have it prepared in advanced I’ll get in there and be tongue tied.

5.) Do I need a slogan? I don’t think so, but I’m still contemplating the benefits of having one, and trying to think of one!

6.) Train. I have 2 new employees at work and I will be devoting a lot of time in the next month to make sure they are up to speed so I am ok to take a break. I have full confidence that they will do fine!

7.) Finish my book. My book is complete, but I have been spending the last few months doing a massive edit. I have learned so many things regarding the craft of writing over the last 6 months and am busy *fixing* all of my big no-no’s, as well as strengthening plot and conflict. I’m sure it’s not perfect, but it is a night and day difference. I have about 80 pages or less to go (I got 60 done last weekend!) so I expect to be done with this in the next week or so. It will be a great relief!

8.) On the same book, I have my critique group currently working through it, chapter by chapter. I need to spend some time to finish implementing their suggestions.

9.) I have book 2 partially completed. I would love to have some time to work on the plot and conflict, so I can have a better feel for the book as I pitch. (I’m pitching number one, which is complete, but would like to have the synopsis ready of book 2 in case they ask)

10.) Finally, number 10, and most important of all! PRAY!!! I am determined to drown the next 30-35 days in prayer. God knows my heard, and above all of these things I would love to get accomplished, NONE of it will be worth a hoot if I don’t give it all to God.

Blessings everyone! Please feel free to comment and add your own *conference prep* tips and suggestions!
