Firsts this week:

  • First trip to Applebees (Thanks, Susie, for the giftcard!)
  • First trip to Krogers (and Mommy’s first attempt at using more than one coupon… saved $20, woohoo!)
  • First time in her new BIG girl carseat! She did FABULOUS and LOVED it! However, since we ditched the infant carseat, we had to take out the shopping cart cover for Kroger. Wasn’t sure how she would do, but she did AMAZING!
  • Trial off oxygen! Annabelle’s fault… she decided to take it off her nose and try to chew on it. We gave her an hour off oxygen though, and she did FABULOUS. 

Tuesday was slightly annoying. Med company delivered our medications and missed one. Since I ordered over the phone, fault was he said/she said, so I didn’t go there, although I KNOW I ordered it! And unfortunately, it is a drug that I can only get in Nashville since it is compounded. To top it off, I had ordered a day or two later than I should have, so the delivery was down to the wire. I would need the new med bottle for that nights meds, and it was a VERY important one we couldn’t skip.

So, on a day I thought I blissfully could stay close to home, I drove all the way to Nashville. I was not pleased. Lesson Learned: Order Meds early!

We haven’t gotten out delivery of new formula yet. Will call to check status tomorrow. But, we did increase her Prevecid from 1/2 of a tablet to 1 tablet. She threw up one time yesterday, but not at all today. I’m hoping that the medicine is making a difference and that she STAYS not throwing up!

She made me a little nervous tonight, though. She was fussier than normal, and her heart rate was elevated higher than normal. However, she didn’t get a great nap today (she fell asleep on the way home from PT and wouldn’t go back to sleep after that) so I think she was just super sleepy, because she is still satting fine and she fell asleep the moment I put her down. Keeping an extra close eye on her though!

Other Daughter Issues

I don’t talk about my other daughters a lot here. Mostly because at least one of them is old enough to visit my blog when she wants, HA!

But now that we settling back into home life and trying to get a routine, it’s…. difficult sometimes, to say the least! Last year, they had routines with their Grandma. The year before that, I was pregnant the whole year (thus a tired bear of a Momma) and all years prior to that, I was still a working Momma, so they had routines with their Daddy.

So Mommy is implementing new routines. We have a bedtime we stick to. And chores they are made to do nightly. And homework that is made to be done. If I hear the words, “That’s not fair!” one more time, I might pull my hair out and scream. Because that is ALL I have heard this past month!

It is a learning curve for us all. We’ll get there. And I remind myself too, this all is normal. They are struggles every parent faces. And I have good girls… most days:-) One daughter complained the other day of a teacher saying the words “shut-up.” She says, “Momma, some kids have parents who teach them that it is a bad word. <<>> shouldn’t be saying that! It will make those kids feel uncomfortable!” 

Now, said teacher probably shouldn’t have said that, I agree. But if only things like saying shut-up stayed one of the worst things that could be said/done, I would be THRILLED.

Prayer Requests

Weaning Oxygen: We’ve going slow. She’s doing well most times. She’s on 1/8 at night and nap then 1/16 during the day. She keeps dipping sometimes, which concerns me, but she comes right back up in seconds. I can’t figure out, though, if she is really dipping, or of the pulse-ox just doesn’t pick up well.

Feeding: Annabelle still has no joy over the thought of food in her mouth. This is a big hurdle, and one I have a hard time with. My nature is to “make her” because I’m mom and I’m the boss, dad gum it. But, I know this is different. I need to be patient and help her to learn to LIKE eating. It just isn’t an easy task!

No Puking: While she’s doing better, this is still a major concern of mine.

Job: Scott still needs a job. He is SO much better at the waiting thing than I. While I am frantic and hyperventilating, he is calm. While this is VERY irritating to me (because as most women will understand, the calm comes off as not-caring, to which most men will say, huh?) I am woman enough to admit that he’s probably the one handling it in a more Godly way. He says to me the other day, “Do you want me flipping out and panicking like you? Would that be better?” Is it horrible that I said yes??? Yes, it probably is. At least I was honest!

Writing: That God’s will be done with it. That I find time to work on it. And that I write the RIGHT story!



  1. I'm proud of you for getting your daughters on a schedule. That can't be easy with the last two years you've had! I'm sure you'll see the fruits of your labor soon. And in the meantime, I've heard fruit snacks can be great bribery. (Not that this tactic is ever used in my home, mind you. Ha!)

  2. Ah, the joys (and challenges) of motherhood. I'm sure it's tough dealing with the many adjustments, but I'm glad your challenges are less intense this year than they were last year. May you experience a growing sense of peace as you implement necessary changes, and may your lovely daughters come to appreciate the new ways of doing things and having their mom around more.

  3. this is amazing, krista! i'm so happy for little annabelle! an hour off oxygen is a big step….so is applebees! (which we just went there tonight…funny!)

    i just voted for you on the Parents website! what an awesome nomination to have. hope you win!

  4. I'm so happy for you Annabelle is doing great! Step by step … you will get there.
    And daughters on a schedule … that's a good thing. but I can promise you, there will be a lot of "that's not fair" in your (immediate) future, LOL.

    Praying for all of you! 🙂

  5. I know you aren't necessarily trying to wean from your gtube right now, but have you ever heard of a baby picnic? Was reading a blog and it explains how they got her daughter interested in food and eating after being fed with a gtube for almost two years…. It's called anunexpextedpath

  6. Krista, I'm going to give you the address of a friend I went to Governor's School with. Her daughter has pretty severe sensory integration issues stemming from being tube fed and on ventilators for a long time. She's three now, and it's still a struggle, but I thought you might be able to get some ideas from her. Plus, she's in the Spring Hill too. (Or maybe Franklin… either way… close to you!) Her blog address is – called that because Becca was born weighing 13 OUNCES and is the smallest baby ever to survive to be at least a year old in Tennessee. Her name is Nancy Speas Hill, and she's really nice. Shoot her an email and tell her you know me. 🙂

  7. hooray for a big girl car seat!! I got one so it would last my son many years rear facing! safest place to be in a car!

  8. Oh my, a full plate and then some! Praying you find some time to breathe and God provides all your needs and those of your family. I love how Annabelle decided she'd just start weaning herself off oxygen, that' girl is a ham! Sounds like the rest are quite the hams too! You're like Super Mommy ~ salute!

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