Okay, I’m sure few… even myself… are anticipating it.

But I NEED it. Seriously. From October to December are horror months for me. First, we have Halloween. Can we say CHOCOLATE EVERYWHERE? It’s all you see, smell, and unfortunately, all I taste sometimes. My belly is mad at me for my recent chocolate intake. Bad, Krista, Bad.

Then we have November, bring on the turkey, folks! Gobble Gobble! Turkey, really good bread, and PIES galore! Oh me, oh my!

Then, sigh. December ushers in Christmas. Not only is there the anticipated *day* in which we have fifteen billion meals at different relatives houses… but we also have everyone and their brother making Christmas goodies and bringing them to work (including myself!) Christmas parties for schools, stocking stuffer candy, and well, tis’ the season!

All this to remind you, IT’S HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT! Especially in the next three months.






Personally, I don’t try to lose weight from Thanksgiving to Christmas. My goal is to STAY even. To portion control.

Then January, New Year’s Resolution, here I come.

But… from now until Thanksgiving, there’s no reason we can’t shed a few pounds right?

**for those who don’t need to lose any weight, we that do request that you eat an extra serving of pie at Thanksgiving for us. Thanks!**

For all the weary weight loss that the next few months hold, I have GOOD NEWS to announce.

We had our annual Health Risk Assessment at work this week, and guess how many pounds I lost since last year?

13. WOOHOO for that right? Personally, I don’t wonder if their scale isn’t off a teensy bit because it weighed me a few pounds lighter than my one at home, but hey, beggars can’t be choosy!

For those who are trying to lose weight with me, let’s set a goal. We’re at zero today. By Thanksgiving, what number can you commit to to be in the negative?

I want to give some big awesome number, but that would be foolish of me and I’d end up giving up. SO I’m going for 1 pound a week. There are 6 weeks left, so that’s 6 pounds.

For those you aren’t, feel free to cheer on us future skinny-minnie’s kay? We need it!

OH OH OH! One more thing I encourage you to do, which I’ll be doing. Take a picture of yourself. You know those before and after pictures you see on biggest loser? Okay, you don’t’ need to go spandex and sports bra, but push that belly out as far as you can and snap a picture. Then, later, when we’ve lost a good bit of weight, take a picture of your new self all dolled up (feel free to suck it in just a little in that picture… you know they all do it!) Before and after pictures are ALWAYS encouraging!

Happy weightlossing!



  1. Hey, Krista! Congrats on 13 pounds (or even a bit more)! That's awesome!

    And I have good news for you–all the calories between Halloween and New Year's are free. :0) It's a new universal law or something.

    Have a great week!

  2. Gooble, Gooble! Bring on the turkey!

    Thanksgiving is my weakness, to say I gourge myself is an understatement. The family, fellowship, and food is just to appealing to ignore.

    I may need to try that before and after picture. Ha Ha!

    Happy writing!

  3. Great job, Krista in losing the weight in one year! I think the portion control is such a key thing!

  4. I'm impressed! You're awesome!!!! I've always found reducing my intake leads to good things and some hungry nights *sigh*

  5. i'm at sans 10, myself. everything i stride….doing well. 🙂 good luck with the portion control….sounds like exactly what i need to do.

    The Character Therapist

  6. Can you pick one holiday to enjoy without counting calories? If you're using portion control and other techniques, you should be able to enjoy your own extra slice of pie at Thanksgiving. :] Good luck.

  7. I needed this post. I really needed it. I mean, the Halloween candy surrounds me at the stores!

    My goal isn't to lose any weight, but to exercise 4-5 days a week. I made really awesome progress this summer and feel in shape, but from past experience, this is the time of year it all falls apart.

    Good luck!

  8. Okay, so I've been waiting for Fat Friday. 🙂 I've lost 30.8 pounds as of today. So if today is zero, I'll commit to lose 10 more in six weeks. Yee Haw!

    BTW, great job on that whole 13 pound weight loss thing! That's awesome!

  9. "push that belly out" made me LAUGH! because my husband does it sometimes just to be silly. LOL Good luck, girlie!

  10. Hi Krista,

    Congrats on the 13 pounds! That's a great accomplishment.

    I've been feeling just a teensy bit under the weather the last few days, but when I'm better I want to get back on the exercise bandwagon. I'm down to about three times a week from 5-7 times a week. While I can't commit to daily exercise during the school year, I'd like to aim for four times per week.

    Have a great Friday!

  11. I'm with you on the difficulty for sure. I think I've gained five pounds since I started stocking up on halloween candy. Bad idea!

  12. Hi Krista –

    Great job on the 13 lb. weight loss!

    Trying to stay away from chocolate is a losing battle for me – even when it causes a migraine. So, I have a little bit each day in the form of one chocolate chip cookie. That way I don't feel deprived.

    Susan 🙂

  13. Congrats on 13 lbs! That's awesome! Holidays are tricky! I think portion control is a good reminder for all of us!!

  14. Yaaaaay! 13 pounds is awesome! I will commit to a pound a week! (Here's crossing my fingers!!!!) WE CAN DEFINITELY DO IT! And then we can celebrate with a skinny-pants dance!

  15. My thoughts? Did you get the brand of that scale that weighed you lighter than you really are? If so DISH! We all want to run out and buy one! 🙂

    Congrats on 13 pounds! That is awesome!

  16. I completely agree, this time of year is a nightmare when it comes to counting calories! Good luck with your goals!

  17. Staying even from Thanksgiving to New Years is a great goal. I'm going to copy you–one pound a week between now and Thanksgiving. Can't believe that's only 6 weeks away!

    PS Congrats on your 13!

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