I’ve LOVED romance month! Thanks, everyone who stopped in, for sharing your thoughts on romance, love and writing!

Next month, the theme will be GREEN! …. Just kidding:-) I think the “be green” train is running around the nation enough without the help of me! LOL

In conclusion to our romance month, I wanted to highlight the ultimate romance. The one we have, or can have, with Jesus.

As children of Christ, we are HIS Bride. Oh, what a privilege! But wow, so many times we take that relationship for granted, or put it on the back burner, just as some married couples do. Our relationship with him, though vastly different in someways, has a ton of similarities with our earthly romantic relationships.

  1. Time. This isn’t just the little quiet time we have in the morning or during the day with Jesus. but it can sure start there! Just as we need time “alone” with our spouse, we also need this time alone that we can concentrate on listening to our Savior. But it’s also the continual dance with him throughout each day, the little sidebar conversations we have with him, the listening to his voice as we take each step and make even small decisions. God wants to walk with us all the time, not just 15 minutes or an hour each day.
  2. Action. You can tell your spouse that you love them till you’re blue in the face, but if your actions don’t portray that, then words are useless. Same with Jesus. We can say our meal-time, bed-time prayers, we can sing songs of worship in church, but if how we live out our day-to-day lives don’t mirror our relationship with God, then what good are our words?
  3. Obedience. Oh my, most of us are wives, and we tend to cringe at that word, don’t we. Many people misconstrue greatly the command for wives to obey their husbands, and treat it like a death sentence. Many times, it’s because the husband isn’t following their command to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. But regardless, the commandment is there, and we are to obey them out of love, just as we are to obey God out of our love and respect of Him. It isn’t easy, in either case, but walking in obedience is so very important. So many times we go our own way, make our own plans, but even if we don’t understand it, we must seek God’s will and obey him.

I know I went a wee bit deeper than I usually do on a Friday post, but I wanted to end this way because it really is the most important romance that we can have! A healthy relationship with Jesus will help cultivate our relationships with our spouse as well. Maybe it’s just me, but I find the times when I’m closest to Jesus, that my relationship with my husband is at its best as well.

Discussion: Do you have any to add to my list? Is thinking about your romance with Jesus kinda weird, or helpful? And if you want to dig deep and be transparent today, how is YOUR relationship with Him going? Not an easy question, I know.



  1. Krista,
    This is the perfect way to end the month! I agree with your points wholeheartedly! I think that our relationships with the Lord progress through stages similar to our marriages, and there are times when we continue to love God and obey him because we committed to doing it. Then the feelings follow later.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I agree with what you have said. Sometimes I ignore my duties as a wife, both with my husband and with Jesus. It is always nice to be reminded just what those duties are!

  3. Nice post. I recently read "Having a Mary Heart in a Marth World." The author suggested making a room in your heart where you can go and hang out with Jesus. It's made a big impact on my life.

    Also, I'm with you on obedience. Sure, I want my own way, but God knows what he's doing.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. LOVE, LOVE this post! One last thing that certain embraces your 1, 2, and 3. Enjoy Him, enjoy Him, for He is good, and His love endures forever.

    Explanation? Lay loose on the rules and just embrace Him like a lover!!!!!


  5. What a great way to end the month. My relationship with Christ is everything to me. I love love love love love LOVE Him so much!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Good thoughts, and good things to ponder for the weekend. Thanks:)

  7. Love this post and that you focus on the true lover of our souls for this last day of romance. I love being wooed by God and wish I was more in tune with Him on a regular basis. It seems I fluctuate on my passion, but I know…like Jody siad…feelings follow our actions.

    Hope you are getting your sleep! I remember being soooo sleepy during the first part of my pregnancies. 🙂

  8. Your blog is brilliant! I'm so glad I came across it! Excellent post as well!

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