Blinking sleep from my eyes as I type this.

I’m ALMOST ready to be 100% back to my blogging. We got back from our Disney trip on Sunday to rush around to go to my nieces graduation open house just hours later.

Read: Still not unpacked and still have HOARDS of dirty laundry to do.

AND we were probably insane by deciding to pick up our 2nd doggy (Whitney’s sister) on Monday as she still needed a home and we were still without a puppy. Her name is Sweat Pea Hope Phillips, but we are calling her Hope. Pictures to come, because, well, I’m exhausted and that would require work at this moment!

But HOPE was God’s word for me this year. I’d wanted to call Whitney by that name, but my family didn’t love it. I’m glad now, because they all thought it was a GREAT name this time around.

I really think God knew in his wisdom that THIS doggy was going to need that name so prompted us all to hold off on it.

Hope is settling in and we’ll report more later!

Mommy is HOPING for a rekindling of fire in my writing. The last few months has been like dry bones in that department, blog included. I think stress has sapped it all out of me, but we all go through seasons of waiting and seasons on GOING, and I feel like we’ve come through a season where I needed to set it aside and focus on my family. I didn’t always do a great job of it… I tried selfishly to pick up my writing and do it anyway, but God firmly slapped my hand each and every time.

Your prayers that I will be obediant to his calling in his timing are appreciated.

I want to do nothing without His full blessing.

Because doing so would be just plain dumb. I try to stay away from dumb. (well, that’s not altogether true. I guess I’ll add a bit of emphasis on the word TRY there…)

Love and prayers to all of you reading this. Prayiing God’s blessings over YOU this week!

I’ll be more whity next week. I promise. 🙂 🙂
