My plane leaves tomorrow morning.

And I haven’t begun packing.

And Annabelle has therapy appointments today so I won’t get home until late afternoon.

And Mommy has a wee bit of a headache. (eased a little when I stopped and got me a coke, bad diet, yeah, head.)

And I seriously have barely thought about “planning” for conference. Not let myself get really excited… always fearing something would happen with Annabelle that would get in the way. So today, I’m excited, and BUSY.

So, this is a blog to tell you I’m not blogging. Won’t be blogging on Friday either,

BUT…. we DO plan to do some “live from the trenches” blogs on Friday and Saturday over on my group writer’s blog, , so if you want to go see some fun pictures of the writer’s conference, you can head over there this weekend!

Discussion: When you take a “I-need-sanity” break, what do you do? Read? Write? Watch a movie? Sleep? All of the above?



  1. I read, blog, sleep, pray or read the bible. the last 2 are probably most helpful. will pray that you have an amazing retreat!

  2. It's a privilege to pray for you and for Annabelle to both have a GOOD time! Remember to breathe once in a while. 🙂 Say hi to all my OCW (Oregon Christian Writer) friends!
    Looking forward to a GOOD report!!

  3. Is the conference in Oregon?

  4. I-need-sanity" break I go on my walk and prayer time with God .Talking to Him and walking brings peace to my mind ,will,and emotions Thank – you ,Dana M Spille New follower .

  5. Sorry I forgot to write my email address ~ Thank you Dana M Spille

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